
Turn the radio on...
Paddy and Steph launched their pure white egg - the Arlington White - it has a beautiful golden yolk and this egg is now featured on many wonderful menus, and is used by a number of prominent UK chefs and restaurants including TV's Masterchef programme.

A day on our farm...

First thing in the morning as the dawn in breaking, we let the girls and boys out, we check the feeders, drinkers, birds and nest boxes.

Once all the sheds are checked we then start collecting our lovely eggs (we do pause for a cuppa!). We check for cracks, funny shapes and then we stamp them with our special CB mark, box in our beautiful boxes and deliver fresh from the farm to you...

At lunchtime we check the sheds again, and then put them to bed as dusk falls, to keep them safe from our Cotswold wildlife. We check their feeders, drinkers and make sure we have no escapees - all tucked in, we say goodnight and see them in the morning.

A frequent journey

Buy our eggs

Cacklebean DeliveriesOur Cacklebean delivery vans take our eggs to our stockists every day, and we travel to London twice (or more) a week to deliver farm fresh eggs to lots of wonderful chefs, restaurants, pubs, makers and bakers. Our eggs are for sale throughout the Cotswolds and from a variety suppliers in London.

Thank you so much to our wonderful list of stockists supplying our golden treasures for you to enjoy, we also have the support of our very special stockists who deliver to chefs nationally; please contact them direct to arrange your delivery.

Cacklebean Egg BoxCotswolds, Bath, Bristol & London
We deliver our eggs to stockists and chefs all over the Cotswolds, Bath, Bristol, and to London, if you would like to have a special egg delivery please get in touch:
Send us an email or give Paddy a call.

[The Perfect Egg video]